Thanks to V-perfect technology, your windows now look much better because the corners fit perfectly.
V-perfect technology is the new welding technique used for joining window corners. When the standard technique is used, the connections have a width of 2mm, which is later filled in. This is not the case with V-perfect technology, as it allows for seamless welding of the frames.
Would you like to see the results of this technology? Visit our showroom in Machelen. We'll be glad to welcome you with a cup of coffee.
What are the benefits for me as a customer?
Enhanced aesthetics
Thanks to V-perfect technology, your windows now look much better because the corners fit perfectly. With the standard welding technique, there can be a color difference when the corners are filled in later. This is never the case with V-perfect technology.
Improved insulation for windows and doors
PVC windows finished with V-perfect technology leave less room for errors during filling, resulting in better insulation for your windows. We believe that windows should not only look beautiful but also provide practical advantages. The insulation value of PVC windows is one of the key features, and V-perfect technology allows for its improvement. This helps reduce your energy bills.
Our advice
Due to these significant benefits, at New Windows BV, we only work with windows welded using V-perfect technology. If we may give one piece of advice to our customers, it would be to choose windows and doors with the perfect V-perfect technology.