Condensation on the inside of windows must be removed quickly, otherwise the risk of mold increases. But what is the cause and how can you prevent this?
Especially in winter, windows often become moist on the inside in the mornings. The window fogs up and small water droplets form. This physical phenomenon is condensation water, also known as 'sweat water'. But where does this water come from and should I do something about it?
Why does condensation occur on the inside of windows?
It is quite normal for condensation to form on windows, especially in winter. After all, through breathing and perspiration, up to 1.5 liters of water per person can be produced in eight hours, which can then condense on the windows. This is added to the moisture from showering or cooking. “When warm air hits a cold window due to low outside temperatures, the moisture condenses and deposits on the inside of the window,” explains Ökotest on their website. However, you should not completely ignore wet windows, but should act immediately.
What to do if condensation forms on the windows?
If condensation forms on the inside of the window, you should wipe it off with a cloth. Otherwise, over time, mold can develop on the window seals, which is easy to recognize by the dark spots on the silicone. However, the mold spores are not harmless as they can cause allergic symptoms such as headaches, coughs, or insomnia. The wooden window frame can also suffer from too much moisture.
If condensation only appears occasionally on the window, it is not a problem. But anyone who regularly finds condensation should certainly fight the cause. In general, this is too much moisture in the room. But also leaking windows, poorly insulated, can sometimes be the cause. In that case, it is recommended to replace the windows. New windows with thermal insulating glass not only prevent regular condensation but also reduce energy consumption, which in turn reduces your heating costs.
How can condensation on the inside of the windows be prevented?
Are your windows undamaged and yet condensation regularly forms? Then you should definitely reduce the humidity in the living spaces. A humidity of 40 to 60 percent is ideal. With a hygrometer, the humidity can be easily checked, and it is available for about 10 euros in hardware stores or online shops.
Heat correctly: The room temperature should be as constant as possible to prevent condensation on the windows. For example, if you heat the bedroom or study less, make sure that the doors of the rooms are closed so that the moisture does not condense in the colder rooms. This also prevents mold formation on the walls.
Ventilate correctly: the most effective remedy against high humidity is still proper ventilation: “Ventilate three to four times a day for about ten to 15 minutes,” advises Ökotest. It is necessary to air the room regularly or – even better: cross-ventilate – and not just tilt the windows. With tilted windows, the air exchange is too low and the walls cool down.
Dry laundry on the balcony: When drying laundry, water from the wet clothes is released into the air of the room. Wet laundry on a drying rack therefore significantly increases the humidity in the room. If possible, place the drying rack on the balcony, in the garden, or in the attic, even in winter. Especially in the bedroom and living room, a drying rack is taboo if you want to prevent the growth of mold on window seals and walls.
Use the extractor hood: a lot of steam is also produced during cooking. Therefore, if possible, cook with the lid on the pot and turn on the extractor hood. The latter pulls the moisture out of the air and directs it outside.
Do your windows fog up from the outside in winter? Then you don't have to worry, because condensation on the outside of the window is a good sign and shows that your windows are well insulated.